Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Month of "Life Is Not About You"

As we finished up our series this past month on "Life Is Not About You", I just couldn't help be think that a month long series was not enough. It's almost like we kind of get convicted at times about different truth principles for a short time, but then it fades as we go back to our normal status quo kind of mentality and we live the same self-absorbed lives that we are used to living. I think that it just gets too difficult to go against the flow of the broad path that the majority go that we end up just going back downstream when the battle to go upstream just gets too tiring.

To live the life of the cross is an exercise of perseverance and even pain, for it is a call to self-denial and an embracing of a life of inconvenience, discomfort, and suffering. It is not always so direct - it comes in subtle ways. But a minute or two here, a moment spent for myself doing something for my own pleasure can lead to an hour, a day, and then the pattern gets set in a rut which we struggle yet again to get out of.

We cannot afford to live the life of a Christian in a stop and go fashion. The days of the summer retreat spiritual high can't be the kind of cycle that we go through. It is a long, hard road of incremental pursuit, it is a submitting of every part of life, even in my eating and drinking, and to take my eyes off myself and consider how I might honor my Master.

This Sunday we will go through our MVP (we haven't done this in awhile) so I hope that you will come prepared, not just for a reminder, but for a challenge to live out what we have committed ourselves to fulfill:

The Mission: To make disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20)
The Vision: To plan churches (Acts 1:8)
The Passion: To love God and people (Matthew 22:37-40)

Are you a part of the team? Are you in this for the long haul? I hope so. These are exciting days and as we look forward to God's leading, let's stop wasting time pursuing the "skubalon" of the world (check Philippians 3:7-8) and pursue knowing Christ and making Him known.

See you all Sunday!!

1 comment:

Pastor Patrick said...

"But a minute or two here, a moment spent for myself doing something for my own pleasure can lead to an hour, a day, and then the pattern gets set in a rut which we struggle yet again to get out of."

John, I think you make a really good point that hits home. Isn't it interesting that even as pastors who work full-time in the ministry of the Word, it's easy to make these little compromises that can turn into habit. It's nice to have wives who hold us accountable! ~P