Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Listening to Great Preaching

Having to preach every Sunday, not to mention on Fridays and other Bible studies, does not give me very many chances to visit other churches to hear other preachers. But for three Sundays, I will have had the opportunity to hear three of my favorites. As I shared in the last entry, I heard Chris Mueller preach and minister to my heart. This past Sunday, I went to Grace Community Church and heard John MacArthur preach from Luke 22. I had not been to a Sunday morning service at Grace since 1989 so it had been quite awhile. The whole service was a reminder of the great blessings I had growing up - the music, the singing, the prayer, even the announcements were all part of looking back and just thanking God for the rich foundation I was granted in my junior high, high school and college years. I got to introduce Kara to John MacArthur and it was a joy to have her sit with me in listening to my pastor.

The past few days I have been in Minneapolis (very cold!!!) where I was able to attend the Desiring God conference for pastors. It was my first time and it really was an incredible time as the theme was on the pastor as father and son. D.A. Carson, a very well-known theologian and professor from Trinity in Chicago was the main speaker along with a few other speakers but his typical thoroughness in addressing the theme was such a deep and hearty feeding of truth that I was really full after hearing him share. John Piper also shared about the legacy that his own father left him and it was really inspirational hearing him share very personally about his relationship with his father who was also a pastor. All the speakers that shared were very much in tune with the challenges and hardships that pastors face so it was with a great measure of empathy that they shared and exhorted and comforted throughout all the messages. There were some statements that were made during one of the messages that really spoke to my heart as they directly related to things that I had been going through and so God was merciful to minister to me while I've had some time to just receive.

This weekend I will get a chance to visit John Piper's church and hear him preach so I'm very excited and looking forward to that as well. I will have then heard three of my favorite preachers in three weeks - what a privilege and treasure it has and will be! Then I'll be back in the pulpit on February 17 and hopefully rejuvenated and refreshed to minister for a long stretch.

Thank you to those who have been praying for me. It has been a stretching time these past few months but God has been gracious to allow me the opportunity to get some rest and I hope that I will be able to encourage you all the more when I return.


Anonymous said...

Your preaching is just as much missed over here Pastor John. I'll be praying and awaiting your safe return!

Grace said...

How exciting! We look forward to your return :)

K5 said...

How nice it is to hear you get some time to recover. It is truely a blessing to hear from great speakers on God's word. Hopefully you can share with us the things you have heard while you have been gone. We have missed your preaching and even presence at lighthouse. I am sure that the message yesterday was wonderful. Thank you pastor john for all the heart and sacrifice you put into seeing us better our walks with God. Ravi Zacharias is good to listen to too.