Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Great Trump Card

Pastor John mentioned to me this afternoon that Al Mohler posted an article on his blog about the church and the home. This is a tremendously helpful article for anyone trying to find the balance between ministry and family. Much of what Dr. Mohler shares is what Pastor John has already been sharing for the past few years, but sometimes it helps to hear it from a respected seminary president from outside our church.

It is a challenge to families to consider having a higher view of church in a practical sense. It is easy to talk about loving Jesus and living for Him. It is understandable that believers should be studying the Bible regularly, praying, and attending church on Sundays. These things are obviously going to take up some measure of a family's time. Many families today complain, however, when the church puts additional activities on the calendar because they infringe upon "personal family time." Considering all the other things families are typically involved in and committed to, it is no wonder little time is left for the church. Families must consider what is important in the end. What kind of message do we want to give our children about what are the right kinds of priorities? People wonder why there is a moral decline in the lifestyles of children in the church, and why children today seem more and more disinterested in church! Perhaps it is because parents have not demonstrated to their children that church is more important than music lessons, sports, shopping, and weekend trips.

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