Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Reflections from Shepherds Conference

While some might see it as just jumping on the bandwagon, I do not take for granted what I have been privileged to receive over the years through the ministry of Grace Community Church. Growing up since 8th grade at Grace, I was privileged to be under the preaching ministry of John MacArthur. Listening to him twice every Sunday, once in the morning service and then again in the evening service, I was given a rich foundation upon which I have been able to build not only my personal spiritual growth, but also the pastoral ministry that God has graciously granted me over the years.

The blessing in recent years has been to take various leaders and members of Lighthouse to the Shepherds' Conference and show them what it is like to get a veritable wealth of teaching through such faithful preachers as John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Mark Dever, J. Ligon Duncan, John Piper, Eric Alexander, Jerry Vines, C. J. Mahaney, as well as the Grace Church pastoral team and the faculty of The Master's Seminary. I can't think of a better conference to attend where not only is the teaching rich, but the fellowship is warm, the singing is incredible, the music is enriching, and the service of the members of Grace Church is exemplary. I know there is no perfect church and having been a pastoral intern at Grace, I was able to see some of the inner workings that showed its frailties and weaknesses. Nevertheless, I would have to say that for a church as big as it is and as long as it has been around, there has been a legacy of faithfulness that has been carried which I know is hard to find.

Why do I share this? Because my hope is that Lighthouse could be such a church where a legacy of faithfulness to a high view of God and the sufficiency of His Word would be carried on for generations. I hope to see my children and my grandchildren be able to grow and be ministered to as well as minister in continuation of a family commitment to serve the Lord. Just as Joshua proclaimed boldly, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord," it is my hope that my family will be able to carry on from one generation to the next the greatness of God (Psalm 145:4). I will also hope to be more faithful to share my thoughts and bring encouragement and exhortation to those who would make the time to read such humble offerings in light of the other high level entries that one can find elsewhere.

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